SV Total RNA Isolation System

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Extracts RNA from Tissues, Cultured Cells and White Blood Cells

  • Rapid isolation of high yields of total RNA without the use of hazardous compounds
  • Choice of microcentrifugation (spin) or vacuum purification methods
  • Purified RNA suitable for all routine molecular biology applications, including RT-PCR


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SV Total RNA Isolation System
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Isolate RNA with a Simple, 1-hour Procedure

The SV Total RNA Isolation System provides a fast and simple technique for preparation of intact total RNA from tissues, cultured cells and white blood cells in as little as one hour. Using this membrane-based purification system, up to 60mg of tissue can be processed per purification, depending on tissue type. The system incorporates a DNase treatment step directly on the minicolumn membrane. This step substantially reduces genomic DNA contamination, which can interfere with amplification-based methodologies. Purification is achieved without the use of phenol:chloroform extractions or ethanol precipitations, and there is no DNase carryover in the final RNA preparation

Sample Types Processed with the SV Total RNA Isolation System

Sample Type Promega External Comments
Human blood plasma and serum
A protocol is provided in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Additional resource:
Fresh or once-frozen human serum (100μl) was added to 175μl of SV RNA Lysis Buffer, then the remainder of the SV Total RNA Isolation System protocol was followed.
Chen, X.Q. et al. (2000) Clin. Cancer Res. 6, 3823–6.
PubMed ID #11051224.
Human leukocytes
A protocol is provided in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Winter flounder red blood cells
Pedersen, S.F. et al. (2003) Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 284, C1561–76.
PubMed ID #12734109.
Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Yawalker, N. et al. (1998) J. Invest. Dermatol. 111, 1053–7.
PubMed ID #9856816.
Escoffier, C. et al. (1999) J. Virol. 73, 1695–8.
PubMed ID #9882382.
Primary CD4+ human T lymphocytes
Secchiero, P. et al. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 14620–5.
PubMed ID #11114167.
Viral RNA from human plasma
Personal communication. Contact Promega Technical Services for more information.
Mammalian Tissues
Sample Type Promega External Comments
Mouse or rat brain
Follow the standard protocol for tissue in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Additional resources:
Kephart, D. Measuring gene expression from mammalian brain tissue. eNotes
Brisco, P. Sankbeil, J. and Kephart, D. (1997) Promega Notes 64, 7–10
Kephart, D. and Hooper, K. (1998) Promega Notes 69, 17–9.
Pinto, D. et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6476–82.
PubMed ID #10037740.
Mouse thoracic dorsal root ganglion neurons
Ekström, P.A.R. et al. (2003) Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 22, 383–95.
PubMed ID #12691739.
Mouse central nervous system
Serafini, B. et al. (2000) Am. J. Pathol. 157, 1991–2002.
PubMed ID #11106572.
Mouse small intestine
Serafini, B. et al. (2000) Am. J. Pathol. 157, 1991–2002.
PubMed ID #11106572.
Pinto, D. et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6476–82.
PubMed ID #10037740.
Mouse muscle
Follow the standard protocol for tissue in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Additional resources:
Sakai, H. et al. (1999) J. Physiol. 519, 323–33.
PubMed ID #10457052.
Pinto, D. et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6476–82.
PubMed ID #10037740.
Mouse or rat liver
Follow the standard protocol for tissue in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Additional resources:
Sakai, H. et al. (1999) J. Physiol. 519, 323–33.
PubMed ID #10457052.
Pinto, D. et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6476–82.
PubMed ID #10037740.
Mouse kidney
Follow the standard protocol for tissue in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Additional resources:
Pinto, D. et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6476–82.
PubMed ID #10037740.
Attmane-Elakeb, A. et al. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 33548–53.
PubMed ID #10942780.
Mouse spleen
Follow the standard protocol for tissue in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Serafini, B. et al. (2000) Am. J. Pathol. 157, 1991–2002.
PubMed ID #11106572.
Pinto, D. et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6476–82.
PubMed ID #10037740.
Mouse embryonic heart, brain and skeletal muscle
Agarkova, I. et al. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 10256–64.
PubMed ID #10744711.
Mouse or rat lung
Agarkova, I. et al. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 10256–64.
PubMed ID #10744711.
Rat pancreas
Follow the standard protocol for tissue in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Additional resources:
Brisco, P. Sankbeil, J. and Kephart, D. (1997) Promega Notes 64, 7–10.
Pinto, D. et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6476–82.
PubMed ID #10037740.
Mouse or rat heart
Follow the standard protocol for tissue in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Additional resources:
Brisco, P. Sankbeil, J. and Kephart, D. (1997) Promega Notes 64, 7–10.
Pinto, D. et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6476–82.
PubMed ID #10037740.
Mouse colon
Pinto, D. et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6476–82.
PubMed ID #10037740.
Mouse stomach
Pinto, D. et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6476–82.
PubMed ID #10037740.
Mouse thymus
Pinto, D. et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6476–82.
PubMed ID #10037740.
Mouse eyes
Lucas, R.J. et al. (1999) Science 284, 505–7.
PubMed ID #10205062.
Mouse retina
Freedman, M.S. et al. (1999) Science 284, 502–4.
PubMed ID #10205061.
Rat whole cochlea, modiola and cochlear sensorineural epithelial/lateral walls
Stöver, T. et al. (2000) Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. 76, 25–35.
PubMed ID #10719212.
Human muscle
Roth, S.M. et al. (2002) Physiol. Genomics 10, 181–90.
PubMed ID #12209020.
Human placenta
Neuschäfer-Rube, F. et al. (2003) Biochem. J. 371, 443–9.
PubMed ID #12519077.
Gonzalez-Perrett, S. et al. (2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98, 1182–7.
PubMed ID #11252306.
Human skin
Yawalker, N. et al. (1999) J. Invest. Dermatol. 113, 43–8.
PubMed ID #10417617.
Yawalker, N. et al. (1998) J. Invest. Dermatol. 111, 1053–7.
PubMed ID #9856816.
Human brain
Miyasaka, T. et al. (2001) Am. J. Pathol. 158, 373–9.
PubMed ID #11159174.
Primary human peritoneal mesothelial cells
Cronauer, M.V. et al. (1999) Am. J. Pathol. 155, 1977–84.
PubMed ID #10595927.
Human cerebrovascular tissue
Cronauer, M.V. et al. (1999) Am. J. Pathol. 155, 1977–84.
PubMed ID #10595927.
Human adenoma tissue
Jaquet, P. et al. (2000) J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 85, 781–92.
PubMed ID #10690891.
Human hair follicle
Use fresh samples and at least 10 or more hair roots. Align the hairs, and cut the root end from the hair and quickly process using the SV RNA Isolation System. The amount of RNA is very small and can generally only be detected by RT-PCR. Contact Promega Technical Services for more information.
Ferret aorta
Gangopadhyay, S.S. et al. (2002) Biochem. J. 372, 347–57.
PubMed ID #12603201.
Feline oral mucosa
Harley, R. et al. (1999) Clin. Diag. Lab. Immunol. 6, 471–8.
PubMed ID #10391845.
Plant Tissues
Sample Type Promega External Comments
Tomato leaf
Follow the standard protocol for plant tissue in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Additional resources:
Shenoi, H. and Kephart, D. Titration of tomato leaf material used as starting material for SV total RNA isolation. eNotes
Kobs, G. (1998) Promega Notes 68, 28–31.
Arabidopsis thaliana leaf
Follow the standard protocol for plant tissue in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Additional resources:
Technically Speaking: SV Total RNA Isolation System. Promega Notes 68, 16–9. Caldelari, D. et al. (2001) Plant Physiol. 126, 1416–29. PubMed ID #11500541.
Arabidopsis thaliana flower, stem and root
Caldelari, D. et al. (2001) Plant Physiol. 126, 1416–29.
PubMed ID #11500541.
Tobacco leaf
Follow the standard protocol for plant tissue in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Sugar beet 14-day seedling, cotyledon, hypocotyl, 46-day plant and 90-day plant)
Fowler, M.R. et al. (2000) J. Exp. Bot. 353, 2125–6.
PubMed ID #11141186.
Chicory taproot, etiolated heads, leaf, and green and etiolated seedlings
Fowler, M.R. et al. (2000) J. Exp. Bot. 353, 2125–6.
PubMed ID #11141186.
Three-day-old mung bean hypocotyls
Leiter, H. et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 21830–9.
PubMed ID #10419500.
Pea seedling leaf
Skaf, J.S. et al. (2000) J. Gen. Virol. 81, 1103–9.
PubMed ID #10725438.
Cultured Cells
Sample Type Promega External Comments
Primary rat endothelial cells
Thum, T., Haverich, A. and Borlak, J. (2000) FASEB J. 14, 740–51.
PubMed ID #10744630.
Fibroblasts derived from mouse embryonic stem cells
Zhang, S., Day, I.N.M. and Ye, S. (2001) Physiol. Genomics 5, 187–92.
PubMed ID #11328964.
Primary human coronary artery endothelial cells
Zhang, S., Day, I.N.M. and Ye, S. (2001) Physiol. Genomics 5, 187–92.
PubMed ID #11328964.
Sample Type Promega External Comments
Escherichia coli
Follow the standard protocol for bacteria in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Additional resources:
Kobs, G. (1998) Promega Notes 68, 28–31.
Ohmichi, T., Maki, A. and Kool, E.T. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 54–9.
PubMed ID #11752404.
Bacillus subtilis
Follow the standard protocol for bacteria in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Additional resources:
Kobs, G. (1998) Promega Notes 68, 28–31.
Colombo, M.L. et al. (2004) Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 48, 484–90.
PubMed ID #14742199.
Vibrio vulnificus
Chen, Y.C. et al. (2004) Infect. Immun. 72, 629–36.
PubMed ID #14742502.
Salmonella enterica
Kelly, A. et al. (2004) Microbiology 150, 2037–53.
PubMed ID #15256548.
Klein, J.R., Fahlen, T.F. and Jones, B.D. (2000) Infect. Immun. 68, 3368–76.
PubMed ID #10816487.
Streptomyces coelicolor
The biomass from pregerminated Streptomycetes coelicolor spores was collected, frozen in liquid nitrogen and crushed by mortar and pestle. The resulting powder was processed to extract RNA using the TRIzol® reagent, and the aqueous phase was treated with DNase I. SV RNA Dilution Buffer (375µl) was added to the nucleic acid solution, and samples were mixed and centrifuged. The resulting supernatant was mixed with 250µl of cold 96% ethanol, loaded on an SV spin column and centrifuged for 1 minute. The column was then processed as described in the SV Total RNA Isolation System Technical Manual #TM048.
Van Keulen G. et al. (2004) J. Microbiol. Methods 58, 139–42.
PubMed ID #15177913.
Bacillus thuringiensis
Lee, M.K. et al. (2003) Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69, 4648–57.
PubMed ID #12902253.
Orikoshi, H. et al. (2003) J. Bacteriol. 185, 1153–60.
PubMed ID #12562783.
Tsujibo, H. et al. (2000) Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66, 3778–83.
PubMed ID #10966390.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
After resuspension in a lysis buffer (50mM Tris-HCl [pH 7.5], 150mM NaCl), the cell pellet was subjected to French press, and 100μl aliquots were processed with the SV Total RNA Isolation System as directed by the manufacturer. Cambronne, E.D. and Schneewind, O. (2002) J. Bacteriol. 184, 5880–93.
PubMed ID #12374821.
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Brown, J.S. et al. (2002) Infect. Immun. 70, 4389–98.
PubMed ID #12117949.
Mycobacterium smegmatis
Milano, A. et al. (2001) J. Bacteriol. 183, 6801–6.
PubMed ID #11698368.
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Yigit, H. et al. (2001) Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 45, 1151–61.
PubMed ID #11257029.
Rhizobium leguminosarum
Lee, H.Y., An, J.H. and Kim, Y.S. (2000) Eur. J. Biochem. 267, 7224–9.
PubMed ID #111064359.
Pseudomonas putida
Cowles, C.E., Nichols, N.N. and Harwood, C.S. (2000) J. Bacteriol. 182, 6339–46.
PubMed ID #11053377.
Grimm, A.C. and Harwood, C.S. (1999) J. Bacteriol. 181, 3310–6.
PubMed ID #10322041.
Rhodopseudomonas palustris
Pelletier, D.A. and Harwood, C.S. (2000) J. Bacteriol. 182, 2753–60.
PubMed ID #107815431.
Neiserria meningitidis
Deghmane, A.E. et al. (2000) EMBO J. 19, 1068–78.
PubMed ID #106989471.
Lactobacillus helveticus
Pederson, J.A. et al. (1999) J. Bacteriol. 181, 4592–7.
PubMed ID #10419958.
Simkania negevensis ZT
Everett, K.D. et al. (1999) J. Bacteriol. 181, 4734–40.
PubMed ID #10438738.
Chlamydia trachomatis
Everett, K.D. et al. (1999) J. Bacteriol. 181, 4734–40.
PubMed ID #10438738.
Other Organisms and Tissues
Sample Type Promega External Comments
Gigaspora margarita
Lanfranco, L. et al. (2002) Plant Physiol. 130, 58–67.
PubMed ID #12226486.
Trichomonas vaginalis
Coombs, G.H. et al. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 5249–56.
PubMed ID #14630923.
Pacific oyster larvae
Cartilaginous fish brain
Pederson, J.A. et al. (1999) J. Bacteriol. 181, 4592–7.
PubMed ID #10419958.
Zebrafish gut
Crosnier, C. et al. (2005) Development 132, 1093–104.
PubMed ID #15689380.
Drosophila larva tissue
Petryk, A. et al. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 13773–8.
PubMed ID #14610274.
Frog liver
Saeed-Kothe, A. and Powers-Lee, S.G. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 26722–6.
PubMed ID #12738780.
Frog gonads and mesonephroi
Ogata, M. et al. (2003) Genetics, 164, 613–20.
PubMed ID #12807781.
Chicken embryonic heart, brain and skeletal muscle
Agarkova, I. et al. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 10256–64.
PubMed ID #10744711.
Venom sacs and glands from Naja Atra (Asian cobra)
Lou, X. et al. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 39094–104.
PubMed ID #15252034.
Microcystis aeruginosa
Kaebernick, M. et al. (2002) Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68, 449–55.
PubMed ID #11823177.
Sample Type Promega External Comments
Human immunodeficiency virus
Personal communication. Contact Promega Technical Services for more information.
RNA from soil
Personal communication. Contact Promega Technical Services for more information.


You are viewing: Z3101 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Available Separately

Collection Tubes

A130E 2 × 5/pk

Nuclease-Free Water

P119A 1 × 1,250μl View Product

Elution Tubes

Z200A 2 × 5/pk

RNA Lysis Buffer (RLA)

Z305B 1 × 10ml View Product

RNA Dilution Buffer (RDA)

Z306B 1 × 4ml

RNA Wash Solution (RWA)

Z309B 1 × 11.8ml View Product

DNase Stop Solution (DSA)

Z312A 1 × 5.3ml

Yellow Core Buffer

Z317A 1 × 2.5ml

MnCl2, 0.09M

Z318A 1 × 250μl

DNase I (lyophilized)

Z358B 1 × 1 vial View Product

Spin Columns

Z503B 2 × 5/pk


Z559A 1 × 900μl

Certificate of Analysis

Search by lot number

Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions



You are viewing: Z3100 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Available Separately

Collection Tubes

A130D 2 × 25/pk

Nuclease-Free Water

P119E 1 × 13ml View Product

Elution Tubes

Z200B 2 × 25/pk

RNA Lysis Buffer (RLA)

Z3051 1 × 50ml View Product

RNA Dilution Buffer (RDA)

Z306A 1 × 20ml

RNA Wash Solution (RWA)

Z3091 1 × 58.8ml

DNase Stop Solution (DSA)

Z312A 1 × 5.3ml

Yellow Core Buffer

Z317A 1 × 2.5ml

MnCl2, 0.09M

Z318A 1 × 250μl

DNase I (lyophilized)

Z358A 1 × 1 vial View Product

Spin Columns

Z503C 2 × 25/pk


Z559A 1 × 900μl

Certificate of Analysis

Search by lot number

Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions



You are viewing: Z3105 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Available Separately

Collection Tubes

A130A 5 × 50/pk

Nuclease-Free Water

P119C 2 × 25ml View Product

Elution Tubes

Z200C 5 × 50/pk

RNA Lysis Buffer (RLA)

Z305E 1 × 250ml View Product

RNA Dilution Buffer (RDA)

Z306C 1 × 96ml

RNA Wash Solution (RWA)

Z309D 1 × 206ml View Product

DNase Stop Solution

Z312D 1 × 26.5ml

Yellow Core Buffer

Z317C 1 × 11ml

MnCl2, 0.09M

Z318B 2 × 750μl

DNase I (lyophilized)

Z358A 5 × 1 vial View Product

Spin Columns

Z503D 5 × 50/pk


Z559A 1 × 900μl

Certificate of Analysis

Search by lot number

Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions


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